Read Online L'Italia non esiste Italian Edition eBook Sergio Salvi Gilberto Oneto

Siamo proprio sicuri che la storia d’Italia è quella che ci hanno raccontato? Siamo proprio sicuri che tutto l’ambaradan unitario e patriottico non sia una giustificazione ideologica (dall’Ottocento a oggi) dell’esistenza di una nazione italiana e di una identità risalente a Roma (quella antica)?
Salvi la vede molto diversamente. Vede che tutta la “truffa del Risorgimento” è basata sulla ricostituzione di una entità che c’era e che – secondo la storia ufficiale – sarebbe stata abbattuta e coartata da stranieri non meglio identificati, ma sicuramente incivili. Così il Medioevo è stato trasformato in epoca oscura e nelle scuole del Regno e poi della Repubblica si racconta che la luce di Roma (e d’Italia) si è spenta con la caduta del patriottico e italico Impero romano e si è riaccesa quando i padri della Patria hanno cacciato gli eredi di quegli antichi barbari teutonici.
Salvi vede nella storiografia di regime, refrattaria a qualsiasi revisionismo, la narrazione di un passato zeppo di falsità e imprecisioni. Per questo vuole alzare il velo che copre la vera storia del Bel paese.
Read Online L'Italia non esiste Italian Edition eBook Sergio Salvi Gilberto Oneto
"I have read the Catalan edition of this book.
The author explains that Italy does not exist. All his arguments are developed carefully and meticulously. For him, the concept of nation is tied to the concept of having an own language that survives because this language has been encoded.
The author explains with rigorous scientific criteria the different nations with an own language, and the states that suffocate them in the Mediterranean area. He faces up to the German model and the French model to prioritize the nation or the state.
He distinguishes clearly between Italy-state and Italy-nation. Explains what tribes have formed the Italian peninsula, how these tribes have evolved over time, the conquest that these tribes have been undergone, and the modifications of their territory based on the growth of other tribes.
The importance of languages is essential for the author, so we can understand what kind of language is selected for the new state, or as he writes "the idiom of the Italy-state", which is the Tuscan unified (lingua toscana).
Both Garibaldi, the creator of the Italy-state, as the Savoy, kings of Italy-state, only spoke French, and that the illiteracy rate was 78%.
The creation of the Italy-state, destroyed the economy of the South to create a wealth economy industrializing the North, started with the rhetoric of imperial dreams want to imitate the Roman Empire, and began territorial expansionism forming part of alliance of some states in the WWI; the territorial ambition reached its maximum with Mussolini, which promotes the abuse of the central bureaucracy with a cleaning ethnic-linguistic that supersedes any linguistic right inside the Italian-state until to arrive to the ridiculous that four brothers have four different surnames. The end of WWII defines the map of the actual Italy-state, but the languages' tensions persist. Thus, the agreement Waldheim-Moro in 1960 allowed as co-official language the German in the Italian Tyrol, so it makes effective the treaty imposed by the Allies in 1948 and the agreement between De Gasperi-Gruber that defined German co-official, agreement that the Italy-state had never respected.
At this point, the author shows that independent of the state, courts are puppets of political power and the power of the state bureaucracy, that the respect for peoples and their natural rights, including language, is almost zero, if not completely null, and that the European Court of Human Rights with its silence gives rights to states versus nations, as well the author explains in the application of article 6 of the Constitution.
Quote that the Constitution was adopted in 1948, and the Constitutional Court was not created until 1956 with the clear intention of protecting the installed state bureaucracy in Rome. For example, the people of Sardinia can not teach the Sard language in schools by the ruling of the Constitutional Court.
It also shows how the states regardless of their name apply in the schools the same police method used by France with the French language, and Italy is a sample of the many suffering peoples of the world that live inside a state and have banned and destroyed its linguistic richness with the total collaboration of the courts and the UN.
Not shuns to talk about terrorism in the North of Italy neither its major causes (one of them the language rights) as the centralism with its corruption, police abuse, and contempt for the different ethnic groups that forming the Italy-state.
The decomposition of Yugoslavia makes dreams again of territorial expansion, and Fini on 1991 claimed in the European Parliament that some lands were parts of the Italy-state, when really had been annexed to Italy-state as part of the booty of the WWI.
The book ends in 1996 explaining that the centralized model of the Italy-state does not work, corruption has increased to such an extent that people are looking for something different, the traditional parties disappear, and federalist and separatist movements begin to leave. The author cites as an example of this corruption, the enormous amount of financial resources destined to the South which have only served to increase the power of criminal organizations, and grow upset that North sees that not only pays that can not improve their economic welfare because resources are wasted.
The book cites several times that there are similar problems and often equal in Catalonia and the Basque Country in Spain.
He explains that the representatives of Sardinia, Sicily, Tyrol, Catalonia, etc., form a group in the Eurpean Parliament with own name that represents the nations without state. He makes clear that the European Union is the Europe-states, as the same manner that the UN is really the UN-states although its name is United Nations. Consequently, international institutions, both the European Court of Human Rights and the UN, only protects states and not the nations that form them, and the author offers several examples inside the Italy-state.
History serves to learn from successes and mistakes of individuals which are the responsible of decision-making of companies and states. From my point of view, this book can help the Western world especially in Iraq and in Afghanistan. If the West wants to win, the U.S. must apply the model of Iroquois League and Europe must respect tribes and nations, and not wanting to repeat the experience of states.
I recommend reading this book to everyone, but especially members of the European Court of Human Rights, the U.S. Supreme Court (remember the decision about a school in Hawaii, or the rights of the natives), those responsible for United Nations, the President of the USA and his team of advisors, the Secretary of State and the entire team of historians who are in the DoS, the personnel of DoD, schools of diplomacy, and schools of business administration.
Finally, it is an excellent book on linguistics, history, sociology, economy, and politics, and it is very well done, that gives prestige to his author, who is a European citizen inside the Italy-state."
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Tags : L'Italia non esiste (Italian Edition) - edition by Sergio Salvi, Gilberto Oneto. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading L'Italia non esiste (Italian Edition).,ebook,Sergio Salvi, Gilberto Oneto,L'Italia non esiste (Italian Edition),goWare, Leonardo Facco editore,History / Europe / Italy,History / Historiography
L'Italia non esiste Italian Edition eBook Sergio Salvi Gilberto Oneto Reviews :
L'Italia non esiste Italian Edition eBook Sergio Salvi Gilberto Oneto Reviews
- I have read the Catalan edition of this book.
The author explains that Italy does not exist. All his arguments are developed carefully and meticulously. For him, the concept of nation is tied to the concept of having an own language that survives because this language has been encoded.
The author explains with rigorous scientific criteria the different nations with an own language, and the states that suffocate them in the Mediterranean area. He faces up to the German model and the French model to prioritize the nation or the state.
He distinguishes clearly between Italy-state and Italy-nation. Explains what tribes have formed the Italian peninsula, how these tribes have evolved over time, the conquest that these tribes have been undergone, and the modifications of their territory based on the growth of other tribes.
The importance of languages is essential for the author, so we can understand what kind of language is selected for the new state, or as he writes "the idiom of the Italy-state", which is the Tuscan unified (lingua toscana).
Both Garibaldi, the creator of the Italy-state, as the Savoy, kings of Italy-state, only spoke French, and that the illiteracy rate was 78%.
The creation of the Italy-state, destroyed the economy of the South to create a wealth economy industrializing the North, started with the rhetoric of imperial dreams want to imitate the Roman Empire, and began territorial expansionism forming part of alliance of some states in the WWI; the territorial ambition reached its maximum with Mussolini, which promotes the abuse of the central bureaucracy with a cleaning ethnic-linguistic that supersedes any linguistic right inside the Italian-state until to arrive to the ridiculous that four brothers have four different surnames. The end of WWII defines the map of the actual Italy-state, but the languages' tensions persist. Thus, the agreement Waldheim-Moro in 1960 allowed as co-official language the German in the Italian Tyrol, so it makes effective the treaty imposed by the Allies in 1948 and the agreement between De Gasperi-Gruber that defined German co-official, agreement that the Italy-state had never respected.
At this point, the author shows that independent of the state, courts are puppets of political power and the power of the state bureaucracy, that the respect for peoples and their natural rights, including language, is almost zero, if not completely null, and that the European Court of Human Rights with its silence gives rights to states versus nations, as well the author explains in the application of article 6 of the Constitution.
Quote that the Constitution was adopted in 1948, and the Constitutional Court was not created until 1956 with the clear intention of protecting the installed state bureaucracy in Rome. For example, the people of Sardinia can not teach the Sard language in schools by the ruling of the Constitutional Court.
It also shows how the states regardless of their name apply in the schools the same police method used by France with the French language, and Italy is a sample of the many suffering peoples of the world that live inside a state and have banned and destroyed its linguistic richness with the total collaboration of the courts and the UN.
Not shuns to talk about terrorism in the North of Italy neither its major causes (one of them the language rights) as the centralism with its corruption, police abuse, and contempt for the different ethnic groups that forming the Italy-state.
The decomposition of Yugoslavia makes dreams again of territorial expansion, and Fini on 1991 claimed in the European Parliament that some lands were parts of the Italy-state, when really had been annexed to Italy-state as part of the booty of the WWI.
The book ends in 1996 explaining that the centralized model of the Italy-state does not work, corruption has increased to such an extent that people are looking for something different, the traditional parties disappear, and federalist and separatist movements begin to leave. The author cites as an example of this corruption, the enormous amount of financial resources destined to the South which have only served to increase the power of criminal organizations, and grow upset that North sees that not only pays that can not improve their economic welfare because resources are wasted.
The book cites several times that there are similar problems and often equal in Catalonia and the Basque Country in Spain.
He explains that the representatives of Sardinia, Sicily, Tyrol, Catalonia, etc., form a group in the Eurpean Parliament with own name that represents the nations without state. He makes clear that the European Union is the Europe-states, as the same manner that the UN is really the UN-states although its name is United Nations. Consequently, international institutions, both the European Court of Human Rights and the UN, only protects states and not the nations that form them, and the author offers several examples inside the Italy-state.
History serves to learn from successes and mistakes of individuals which are the responsible of decision-making of companies and states. From my point of view, this book can help the Western world especially in Iraq and in Afghanistan. If the West wants to win, the U.S. must apply the model of Iroquois League and Europe must respect tribes and nations, and not wanting to repeat the experience of states.
I recommend reading this book to everyone, but especially members of the European Court of Human Rights, the U.S. Supreme Court (remember the decision about a school in Hawaii, or the rights of the natives), those responsible for United Nations, the President of the USA and his team of advisors, the Secretary of State and the entire team of historians who are in the DoS, the personnel of DoD, schools of diplomacy, and schools of business administration.
Finally, it is an excellent book on linguistics, history, sociology, economy, and politics, and it is very well done, that gives prestige to his author, who is a European citizen inside the Italy-state.